Elements for the Critique of the National Culture

and the Dialectic of its Cultural-Political Identity



National Culture, Cultural-Political Identity, Emotionality, Decolonial Thinking, Dialectic


This text discusses the principles for the critique of the notion of national culture and discerning the dialectic of its cultural-political identity, from a philosophical perspective oriented by the inconsistencies of the relationship between nation-states and market dynamics at the global level, instead of by the interpretation of the meaning of cultural traditions and ethnic identifications or by the liberal pretensions of an integrating system of cultural diversity. Based on Hannah Arendt’s diagnosis of the two main symptoms of imperialism as correlate of the consolidation of the Nation-State: racism
and the stateless, the possibility of an emancipatory political action of the excluded from the nation will be discussed from a decolonial perspective supported by Frantz Fanon, Tzvetan Todorov and Houria Bouteldja. Finally, through Giorgio Agamben, Judith Butler, Alain Badiou and Slavoj Žižek,
the cultural-political identity of the subject who tries to overcome the inconsistencies of nationalism will be discussed, considering the performativity of his intervention in the public space, the nature of the political events that generates and the critique of the ideology required to specify the dialectical
sense of his strategies.


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Author Biography

Carlos Alfonso Garduño Comparán, Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Mexican. Doctor in Philosophy, Complutense University of Madrid. Institutional affiliation: Faculty of Humanities, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. Research lines: Political philosophy, Philosophy of culture, Ethics, Aesthetics, Continental philosophy, Critical theory, Hermeneutics, Poststructuralism. Last publication: “Una perspectiva estética y metafísica de la experiencia gastronómica desde la obra de Junichiro Tanizaki y las nociones de utopía y heterotopía” Philosophy Magazine, UIA, year 55, no. 155, July-December 2023. Email: eidoshumanidades1@gmail.com ORCID: 0000-0001-8401-9478


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How to Cite

Garduño Comparán, C. A. (2024). Elements for the Critique of the National Culture: and the Dialectic of its Cultural-Political Identity. Estudios Sobre Las Culturas Contemporáneas, 1(1), 175–208. Retrieved from