As the Representative of an Ancient Tradition:

Muharrem Ertas and Bozlaks


  • Sibel Çelik Dicle University State Conservatory

Palabras clave:

Turkish Folk Music, Bozlak, Muharrem Ertas, Abdal, Middle Anatolia


Anatolian geography has been a frequent destination for ancient cultures with its rich and deep cultural background. As a result of the historical past is substantial in the formation of Turkish traditional music. Bozlak is a substantial musical form which is unmetered in Turkish folk music. This particular musical style can be heard in various regions of Turkey. The aim of this study is to reveal within Turkish folk songs, the importance of Muharrem Ertas and his musical identity as a minstrel, beside his representation of bozlak style.
Within this context, some significant issues of his musical identity, region’s cultural and historical background will be reflected upon.


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Biografía del autor/a

Sibel Çelik, Dicle University State Conservatory

Turkish, Dicle University State Conservatory, Department of Voice Training;




Cómo citar

Çelik, S. . (2023). As the Representative of an Ancient Tradition:: Muharrem Ertas and Bozlaks. Estudios Sobre Las Culturas Contemporáneas, 28(56), 25–40. Recuperado a partir de